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Joined: Sep 30, 2008
Last seen: May 10, 2012
Topics: 11 / Replies: 74
Dyno counter .pk3

Oh i think i know what you mean. All you have to do is join another server etc and it downloads it some how. I joined another etpub server once and …

16 years ago
Dyno counter .pk3

hey mess i got a dyno timer that works in the background and gives u a count down etc did u want something like that?

16 years ago
gun size :S

why have a gun at all just disable the whole thing allowing you to see more of the screen easy fix

16 years ago
OZ CONFIG TEST and opinions

Hey here is the class selector one thing u have to do cause i forgot to add this into the bundle is place the class folder in your etmain then open oz…

16 years ago
OZ CONFIG TEST and opinions

Hahaha the beauti of the accused of hacking love it 😛 well glad u guys like it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh damit i forgot to add the class changers SHIET and i r…

16 years ago
OZ CONFIG TEST and opinions

Well tell me what u wanna do to it and i can help bammy but you gotta tell me what u wanna do for me to know how to fix ur config. like whats wrong wi…

16 years ago
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