Last seen: Oct 17, 2021
The last one I posted was from a Crate Day, so here’s one from the latest I guess. also hi
Classic internets, jerker.
Who the hell let the first Dutchie take that kick?! Jeez.
yuk soccer, rather do acting classes.. o wait That’s football to you, mate. Bet the “Socceroos” got so confused they didn’t know whether to bring a un…
s0z guys. But it’s Jack Black as Nacho Libre
Totes expected ya to be a cock and drive an Audi. Well done, sir!
‘sup. You jelly?
And such, my life is ogre as we know it.
Ahem, sunn – your seal of approval please? Nah, send him away, I hate this bastard. Oh god. I’m sorry. I don’t mean it. Get him in. Cry.
I do prefer Brain Dead, myself. But both never fail! Give Ghost Shark a go. Another one of those so bad it’s hilarious good.
Bad Taste. Oops.
I see you’ve got your favourites. 🙁