Last seen: Oct 17, 2021
We use buckets with cling-wrap over ’em loosely here in Christchurch.
LAN Event For Tasmanian Residents
Moe’s Tavern is coming under new management? Yeah, okay.
Oh yeah. So that’s why the spelling was changed or whatever. I’d almost forgotten. xD
Your an inbecile Haha. inbecile Hehe.
How aboot a limerick? There once was a man called Osama. Who caused the Americans some drama. They went for his head, and shot the c*nt dead; and t…
Sunn? Awesome amps. Awesome band. Mr. Pink? Only the greatest fellow in Reservoir Dogs. Pancakefan? How can you NOT like pancakes? Even celiacs lik…
inb4 riCo
They should have Minecraft as one of the games!!! Last surviving person qualifies… All I heard was; “Herp derp derp Minederp de der de der derp!!! D…
CoD4 & BO. But those games are bad. But sexy. Your sexy is bad… Yeah… -cough *cough SLUT cough* Where’d you get your insults from? The TO…
All I heard was; “Herp derp derp Minederp de der de der derp!!! Derp derpa herp durrr…” Totally, you should work for one of those online translation…