Last seen: Oct 18, 2021
I just had some goddamn berries and a cheeseburger. Shit was SO cash. New Years to ye all.
Loving those trees.
Blusky’s best friend in High School was Charles Darwin, I hope you know. tbh i find it incredibly hipocritical saying how religion forces is beleifs …
A God that created the Zodiac which was formed before that God who created it had been created? Makes perfect sense.
Cake is onto something… Cake is a God amongst men. Also, I shortened the amount of dots needed for an ellipsis. 😀
All actions are void and worthless, for in the end, they have no real meaning. Be your own god.
Good thing I don’t drink vodka. 😀
Something for the daily news then, eh? “DRUNKEN COP’S STEAMY SEX SCANDAL” Santa Claus ain’t comin’ to yo town.