• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/



This message is to Admins and Owners and for people that have access to the pickle hosting client area.
(idea)To me I see that I when I join the HungerGames I fall into as they call void. I disconnect and reconnect. Still happening and it takes 3 times just to stop falling. I see that the server has upgraded their essentials and thats probably why. I guess the only way to stop it is to downgrade :)------


Staff member
If that was the only plugin that was updated then you would possibly be correct. We have upgraded more than 10 plugins lately so it could be any of them.

We are troubleshooting the lag issue elsewhere before changing anything on the server.



Staff member
Yes, and while we are getting an error related to essentials, we are also getting other errors at the same time. Our full clone of the server should be ready for testing starting tonight.


Staff member
We (cccdfern and I) are going to conflict test all of the plugins the same as we do with Terraria when it crashes, this is to try figure out which are the ones causing issues. I do hope it is only the new essentials build, but, with all the changes there could be multiple issues. Thank you for your suggestion about essentials.
Most of the time when you start falling into the void its because of lag. It would surprise me if it was a bug/plugin conflict that was making you fall into the void.


Staff member
Oh, the plugins are definitely fighting, we also don't run bukkit. Replicating the errors is the fun bit. =)