• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/



New Member
been awhile since my last post(six months)lol!

A few people have inquired how my binds work, in particular how I get the binds to show the names of other players!! There have been heaps of players who hate my binds but to the few who want to know here it is:

Simply insert the following codes into your binds at the appropriate place:

[a] Last player who gave you ammo
[d] Last player who killed you
[h] Last player who gave you health
[k] Last player you killed
[l] Your current location
[n] Your nickname
[p] Teammate you're currently pointing at
[r] Last player who revived you
Your current health
[t] Ammo for current weapon
[w] Weapon you're currently holding


for console(will only work on that server):

/bind (key x) vsayname message txt


/bind F9 goodshot nice shooting there [d] I will get my revenge!

So when I press F9, the 'greatshot' vsay will play and the message will be displayed with the name of the last person to kill you!

for .cfg script:(will work on all servers once .cfg is executed)

bind kp_plus "thanks" "That helps doc [r] I'm feeln better already!"

so when I press + on my key pad the 'thanks' vsay will play with the displayed message showing the name of the last person to revive me.

Colors work the same as with you name using ^ and the corresponding color flag.


bind leftarrow vsay "defendobjective" "^1*^5defend the dyno^1*"

Hope this helps those who are interested!!! Hope to see a lot of vsay spamming on the -OZ- server!!!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!


p.s. if you want help on how to create a .cfg let me know, I assume most will know how