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Minecraft server.. Basics commands and how-to's


Staff member
To access the clan menu /clan, to go to more pages of instructions /more after typing /clan

Full instructions:

Minecraft MMO is running! All offensive bonuses are turned off as they are rather overpowered.
/mcc gets you to the menu

Moar info: http://mcmmo.wikia.com/wiki/McMMO_Wiki

Locking chests:
Place a sign on the chest, if it worked it will say:
and have your name listed underneath

To add people:
Right click the sign, it should come up with the Lockette menu instructions,
/lockette to add people. REMEMBER that if you are adding people that you start on line 3 ([private] takes up line one and your name takes up line two).
You can add a second sign next to the first and it will say [more people] so you can add more people

[everyone] allows everyone access

Locking doors: Place the sign above the door and write [private]. The sign will then add your name underneath it.

Adding a sign next to the first allows you to enter more people, same as the lockette.


Locking areas with stones:
Gold ore locks 10 x 10 x 10 - gold ore is easy to get. This may be set in the future to coal ore so you have to purchase it.

Lapis blocks lock a 20 x 20 x 20
Redstone locks 100 x 100 x 100

The two larger protection zones will be available from the market. Or if you have a silk touch pick....

They immediately set to allow your clan members to alter the area if you are in a clan.

/ps gets you to the menu for settings

I will post up the wiki when they fix it. It is currently derpily down -.- the plugin is called Precious Stones

To be set up is the Market/Shops/Bazaar area.
To warp there /warp Bazaar
Mob spawning is turned off, as is pvp, this is a no-gank area. No shops are set up yet... hoping to start the themes off tomorrow then set up the shops =)
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