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My proposal for Origin Competition

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Well-Known Member
I rkn Tassie and NZ should join Vic, then have WA/SA/NT/ACT as the last team if there are numbers.

Someone light a fire under this bish!

Trigger Happy

I'll tell you right now that this is not going to get off the ground if you have 2 people organising it separately in two threads.
Both of you get talking to each other and nut out the specs of the game, make ONE thread and place the team lists there.
You two need to sort out what you are doing now that you both have volunteered to run this thing :p
If you don't start heavily pushing people to do something they will just watch and wait for something to happen.

Here is a good start on what to do:
1. Get ONE thread, put the team lists there, give people a date to submit their team by and if they don't get it in by then then they can't compete (allow teams to have like 2 subs or something).
2. Once you have all the teams, work out times most people are available by, sucks to be you if you can't make it because this is the hardest part to do and people whinge HARD. So make it stand that the most popular time and day wins. Again give people a date to have their times in by or their input is not counted anymore.
3. Once you have times, or maybe even during all of this, decide on 3 or so maps that each team will play in a round robin type matches. The only thing with doing it during is it's hard to get people to do two things at once.
4. During all of this you two need to decide on how your going to actually do this on the server, you need to make a config or whatever. You need to find out how your going to restore people's xp if you make them reset it for the match. You also need to make sure you get BR free for whatever date you make the match since he has to do the server stuff to make it happen.
5. Pew pew. Everyone plays and has fun and NSW kicks everyone's asses again like we did at OGN. NSW REPRESENT!



Well-Known Member
Sunday would be better than a Saturday or Friday. As people go to parties, gigs and so on those nights.

Trigger Happy

Didn't you even read my post? There is an order you need to do this in.
Oh well good luck getting this off the ground....


Trigger Happy

I won't delete it since it still has good info, but to try and steer this in some kind of direction I will lock it.
You don't need to step down though happy, you two should work together to get it running, two heads are better than one.
I'm not exactly sure which thread is the one thread, as I remembered there are actually 3 of these floating around but fizz can decide on which one he wants or can make a brand new one and I will sticky it and lock the others if he wants.
For now though, these are the threads to look at:
General talking about it I think -> viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2503
Origin set up thread -> viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2515

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