• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

Server Inaccessible


Staff member
Due to the way in which the new anti-spam plugin was made, the developer forgot one almighty flaw.

Lockdown: Mute the entire server and/or stop new players from joining. This prevents spam bots from joining since they are usually new joiners. Automatic system will be enabled if Spamicide detects an attack.
Well guess what? A fullish server is going to get spammed by join requests when it restarts...if they hadn't realised this, could someone on bukkitdev hit them please?

So, to summarise, server is inaccessible and has been as such since it restarted at approximately 12pm.

This is here to explain why no one can get on, but also requesting it to be resolved :rolleyes: