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Sniper Guide


Well-Known Member
Been meaning to throw this together for a while. I'll attempt to explain some of the sniping basics and a few settings/mouse movements that will help you along the way.

1. The Setup

com_maxfps 71

Reduces the recoil experienced after firing a scoped shot. I recommend returning to your normal maxfps value when not sniping.

m_pitch 0.022 (default)

Controls the vertical sensitivity of the mouse. Other values are used by many for SMG but when sniping you need vertical control to bring the scope down while shooting and while getting shot

cg_zoomDefaultSniper 20 (default)

Makes your initial zoom a 1x scope (zoomed all the way out). I prefer sniping like this (I never zoom in) however others prefer scoped in view by default. Use whatever you get the best results with.


My settings are 2.4 sensitivity (400 dpi, default windows sens). It gives enough vertical space on the mousepad to fire 5 shots while pulling down without recentering my mouse. With that said - use whatever you're comfortable with but really low sens will probably yield poor results.

2. Movement

If you're stationary, be that crouched, prone or standing always be going for the headshot.

What I recommend however is to be constantly crouched plus strafing while pre-aiming a chokepoint while scoped. This makes you harder to hit and gives you the advantage of positioning your shots without descoping.

There's a few other techniques that can be useful; Sprint strafe-> stopping for a split second -> scope and shoot instantly -> resume strafe (similar to an AWP shot in CS). I'll touch on a few more later.

3. Recoil control

This will be hard to get across in text so I'll try and put together a few screenshots.

- To be continued