• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

Recent content by zeNi

  1. Z

    Two things..

    Cheers i played alder last night :D
  2. Z

    Two things..

    @shirts no worries mate, tj is fun and helps ur all round game a lot. @phill Ahhh, ok I'm still yet to see them come up during voting. What dictates which maps you can choose to vote for at the end of a match? Maybe I just have terrible timing and keep missing them? edit: Also regarding the...
  3. Z

    Two things..

    What happened to Aldernest and Special Delivery? I haven't seen the option to vote for them since the new maps have been added and I don't remember them being on the turf list. Were they removed from the map list? Also where did i0n go?
  4. Z

    ETPro nights

    I'd be interested as well, count me in.
  5. Z

    Map Poll - To Remove

    why cant we vote to turf seawall battery?? (axe)