• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

Cybergamer ETPRO Draft Tournament


The first CyberGamer ET Draft Cup will be starting in the next couple weeks. We still have some things to sort out but first priority is to figure out who's keen!

You guys have a week to sign up and then another week to get your shit together to play!


At the moment we have 4 chosen captains, all who share aim, brain and ego. If we get enough players for more teams I may hold applications for extra captains, but until then don't ask if you can be one!



- Availability to play! Don't sign-up as a back-up and go inactive.
- You must have TZ-AC installed and working. [CLICK TO SETUP]
- Every player (especially captains) must have IRC installed and connected to #et.draft @ irc.au.gamesurge.net during competition game times. [CLICK TO SETUP]
- Every player must also have ventrilo installed for game time. [CLICK TO SETUP]


All you have to do to sign-up is either pm me via IRC or simply post in this thread with your player details below, and I'll add you to the list asap.
Alias: Preferably your CG nick or the one you're known for, no random names aye....
Class: Preferred class(es) (medic / rifle / engineer smg / utility [field ops, covie, back up med/eng]). Just to give the captains an idea of your abilities.


The number of teams and team sizes will obviously be dependant on the amount of players that sign up. Realistically it's most likely going to be 4 teams (I'd like to see more!) in a double-elimination bracket, hopefully 6v6, spanning over a week or two.


Sign Ups: 11 - 17th March
Captaincy and Drafting: 18 - 19th March
Formatting and Prac Stage: 20 - 24th March
Start of Tournament: 25th March

The original thread

lso dont be worried at all about your skill level, the tourney is just about having fun and play sum matches with different people :) THE MORE THE MERRIERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR



New Member
It'd be awesome if most (if not ALL!) of you guys could sign-up. I want to bring our whole aus/nz community together! as well as introducing you guys to etpro. ;D
Don't be shy, it's for all skill levels and ages, and our captains are all great blokes. Everyone gets a go - it's all for fun and sparking life into the game!

If there's any questions, throw me a PM or post in the thread. I'm a huge nerd so I'll usually always be around to reply. ;p
Cheers mates!