• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

New Anti Cheat System

Trigger Happy

Hmmm it is interesting and would work for competitions, but not in a public setting.
The issue with the system is that game admins are completely blocked out and it is one guy with information about every ET player that uses his system. This doesn't sit well with me at all. He is simply changing the domain of the problem, but the problem still persists. Any smart cheater would just make heaps and heaps of accounts when it first starts up so they can have accounts that are old enough to bypass the time cvar. What's more, the fact that they can't really identify who is who (he says using hardware checks that are unspoofable, but that is BS) means that we have to hope whatever he is attempting will actually work.
I think OZ would wait to see how it fares on other servers first, but it is simply just a server side ban and forcing people to make accounts, something we could do ourselves in an OZ only system if we wanted to. The problem with this system as would be the OZ system is that it would require you to make accounts of which new users might not be so eager to do in order to play (unless it got widely adopted by all servers).
