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Recent content by jemstar

  1. jemstar

    Destructible Truck

    Here you go!! http://www.donkeypunch.clanservers.com/etmain/bremen_truckmod.pk3 To make bots work copy bemem.way, rename to bremen_truckmod.way and put back!
  2. jemstar

    ET in HD

    Bump for Sparky! This should work for your new monitor. The only values you may need to adjust are the screen size in orange above. If you have the wrong values ET will crash with an 'OpenGLsomething error' if it does simply adjust screen size to that of your monitor and it will be fine. Also...
  3. jemstar

    ET in HD

    Ha Ha np Tyrian, glad u liked it!! You should be able to change any of the settings to siut your likes..as for the settings considererd as hax, try punk buster or even balance. They will list the acceptable settings to be considered clean.
  4. jemstar

    ET in HD

    Hi all, been awhile!! Looks like someone redecorated ur home!! looks Great!! Anyways bak on topic. One of our members(bozzy) posted this video.cfg that makes our old game look as close as possible to HD!! So thought would share, I use it and ev thing looks great!! So here it is: "HAI YOU...