• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

Recent content by MindRotta

  1. M

    Kazias's Introduction

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys. :)
  2. M

    Kazias's Application - TF2 [PASSED]

    Q. What is your in game name, what previous aliases have you used? A. My in game name is Naga, always has been. Q. Why do you want to Join -OZ-? A. To join in with scrims and input my abilities. Also I noticed that all clan members are friendly and mature. Q. What do you want -OZ- to do and...
  3. M

    Kazias's Introduction

    Hey I'm Kazias and I play TF2 8-) My in-game name is Naga. I usually play as either Scout/Sniper/Spy/Soldier. :lol: Nice to meet you all!