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anyone play wow?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Nah, haven't played in years.

Mrs noob gave me an ultimatum at one point: keep playing wow or keep being married.


Well-Known Member
blusky said:
halp, wow is so different now :C
I died a little when I saw Mist's Edge and what Deathwing did to it. XD
And the guy who sold me fish, he was dead. I was like "lolwut?"

Yeah I played for pretty much all of my school holidays.
Stopped when school started again though, playing Aion at the moment with my second family.
Need halp? I can try and come back on for a little bit. :p

Edited: I presume this is World of Warcraft we're on about.


ET Moderator
Yeah, I might be able to help.... I play regularly, but I'm diligent with how much time I spend on it so yeah (been playing it off and on for about, hmm, well since Burning Crusade). PM me if u want blusky.

Joke :D

Well-Known Member
talk to the other josh, josh.

He's the best tank on his server apparently, and makes a complete arse load of gold a day.

what server are you on?