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Destructible Truck


Well-Known Member
Any chance of making the truck destructible in Bremen? I thought I read somewhere that Fern thought you could. The map just turns into a spawn campathon against Axis once the truck is past the first barrier,which normally happens in about 7 minutes or so these days.


Staff member
hmm, once I get my comp running properly, I'll have a squizz, if we can't put a hp bar on it, we can certainly slow it down


Can't you do this by altering the maps script? From memory you guys have the scripts in b_mapscriptdirectory "etpromapscripts" folder. :happy:

// accum 0, track state
// accum 1
// - bit 0: barrier1 state ( 0 = not built, 1 = built )
// - bit 1: barrier2 state ( 0 = not built, 1 = built )
// - bit 2: spline status ( 0 = not moving, 1 = moving )
// - bit 3: stuck check flag ( 0 = not stuck, 1 = stuck )
// - bit 4: flag for message ( 0 = dont display, 1= display )
// - bit 5: blank ( )
// - bit 7: death status ( 0 = alive, 1 = dead )
// - bit 8: player check ( 0 = players, 1 = no players )
// - bit 9: visible state ( 0 = alive, 1 = dead )
// accum 2, blank
// accum 3, current movement loop position
// accum 4, stop counter
// accum 5, lockout ref counter
// accum 6, blank
// accum 7, blank

Around that area :)
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Staff member
hmm, had a few looks at the script files, but never really understood em, could try that


|H*S|R+D modifed/made a few of our map scripts, he recreated some ammo racks, health-packs and repositioned them on the maps, also made a constructable bridge, if you can do that with these map scripts surely you can change truck settings i can't see why not.