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Name Changer...


Well-Known Member
Does anybody have the name changer bind?
for ETcfg's ?

i want a simple one :)

the Reason i need/want it is because i wanna have -OZ-iNd3v in lots of colours :D


Well-Known Member
bind , "vstr name-"
bind . "vstr name+"
set name+ "vstr name01"
set name- "vstr name04"
set name01 "name ^7i woke up near the sea"
set name02 "name ^7look how high im jumping from CFG;set name+ vstr name03;set name- vstr name01
set name03 "name ^7with no time at all to let go CFG;set name+ vstr name04;set name- vstr name02"
set name04 "name ^7soco amaretto ^2lime CFG;set name+ vstr name01;set name- vstr name03"


Well-Known Member
// Press this key (F7) to change your nickname in the game with only one button

set x1 "set name ^1MOFO^0.^3Hicksy;echo ^1MOFO^0.^3Hicksy; set nick vstr x2"
set x2 "set name ^0Hicksy; echo ^0Hicksy; set nick vstr x3"
set x3 "set name ^1EvL ^0PnS; echo ^1EvL ^0PnS; set nick vstr x4"
set x4 "set name ^1She Nade ^0O'Conner; echo ^1She Nade ^0O'Conner; set nick vstr x1"

heres mine with echos on . just change from my nicks to yours