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PSA: Internet security and you!


Well-Known Member
Just recently we had someone (Can't remember who, nor do I particularly care) post up a picture that featured ample information for identity fraud. This then sparked a conversation about the do's and don'ts of Facebook security.

I have just received a notification on my Facebook that a friend of mine was tagged in a photo called '-OZ- TF2 Team'. Now, I was not tagged in this photo, however I was able to view it and all of the people tagged in it. As such, the identities of Ab, Spidonkle (whose photo it was) Slayer, Patz etc. were all revealed.

Perhaps a bit more discretion in the future with regards to tagging online aliases with real-world identities would be good. Or else you could revise your security settings (Spidonkle yours currently allows me nigh unrestricted access to your information).

Just thought I'd put it out there.

Oh and Patz, nice suit :)

The Admiral

Well-Known Member
I already stalked Spidoinkle. Went through her photos, found the ever present bikini photo, and guesstimated her clothes sizes from it.

Got bored when I looked and saw that she lives in Mildura though. No girl, no matter how attractive, is worth going to the middle of nowhere for.

Oh, and I told BR she was hot and he should totally go out with her, despite living in different places.

Now I feel sexist for only stalking the girl, so I'll stalk you hot guys too ;)

Also, I don't understand the point of this thread? Identity fraud is boring.

The Admiral

Well-Known Member
Damn. No replies after I confessed my hunting for the illusive bikini photo. I know all you other guys did it too.

For the record, you looked better in it than most girls do. I'll give you an 8/10. Which is impressive, as real girls can only get up to a 9. Anything higher than a 9 is for the likes of Megan Foxx, Miranda Kerr, and of course, Jennifer Hawkins. So 8/10 is really 8/9, which is like, 88.8% so 89% so 90%, which is really a 9/10. No need to be upset with a rating like that.

Joke :D

Well-Known Member
its limited to friends of friends.

I can't believe someone who looks like that plays Tf2. Or has slept with abolisher.