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Quake Live


Well-Known Member
What part of the load do you get to like have you done the intial training or is it crashing as soon as you type in the web address?


Well-Known Member
Quake live out of beta. Ive been waiting a long time for this.

Lots of cool new stuff, I even paid money to them.. =\


Super Moderator
Staff member
Did they actually manage to get the in game advertising to work messy? I know that was the business model they were looking at (free game + in game ads). When I played QL there were just a bunch of placeholders for where the ads would go.


Well-Known Member
Anyone apart from mess go premium on QLive?

And yes noob, they have a 15sec ad running before connecting you to a game server now.


Well-Known Member
The actual in-game ads failed. They admit that though. On site and ads before you connect + premium subs is their new approach I think.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Interesting that the ingame ads failed. I really expect the gaming industry to head more down this path in the next few years. Specially in a 3D environment like an FPS, its perfect. I mean who really cares if you have a coke sign in the background as long as there are good pew pews?


Well-Known Member
^Why would the failed ingame ads be interesting???
They're trying to feed junk through random 'billboards' in a free fps game where most players would be more focused on playing the game than to stop to look at random "MMmmmm donuts for $3.99" ads.
The concept of ingame ads is interesting but in reality we all would rather fast forward through the ads to get to the man'oman action.


Super Moderator
Staff member
THe ads themselves aren't any more interesting than a jims mowing ad on the telly during the state of origin. Whats interesting is that the format didn't work out.

I don't see those ingame billboards as something that you would want FPS pew pewers to stop and go mmmm donuts, more that they might see a red bull ad out of the corner of their eye and not even realise it.