• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

server down


New Member
hey guys just wondering, is it just me, or have i missed a server update or something?
since about 10 30pm (30th July 2011) the servers been down, i know it hasnt been long
but im just wondering if its me or the server.

thnx :)


Staff member
oops, knew I forgot to do something, :oops: .I posted in the chat box, but forgot a forum post. so far as we know its been down since then, perhaps longer. We have tried contacting BR but have had no answer.

The 32vs32 server is and has been put up as a temporary, it shall stay up until pub is back online.

Password: swat

I'd put dev up if people didn't mind downloading the maps themselves (they are normal sized maps), and most of the settings should be default oz, I'll see what I can do.

Update: ok, I can have the dev server up and running bots, default 6 work - please only vote for these.


New Member
oh ok thanks man, yeah i noticed that 32v32 fun server on but i saw that it was PP (password protected)
anyway thanks for the heads up m8.


Staff member
yep, and there goes the memory again;

Dev Server:
Password: yes