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SLAC Tutorial

Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
So for those who are competing in the new SLAC here is little tut to get you started.

A few things before you start.., make sure you have 2.60b installed and etpro 3.2.6

1. Register an account at http://sl-anticheat.com/register.php
2. Then Download SLAC from here http://sl-anticheat.com/slac.rar
3. Extract the Files inside the .rar file to any folder of your liking. (If you are unsure of how to extract .rar files http://askabouttech.com/how-to-extract-rar-file/)
4. Right click on SLAC.exe and choose run as administrator
5. Then start SLAC.exe and when it opens it will prompt you for username/password details put int those details you registered at the slac website, then hit login.
6. Then choose browse button and find the et.exe file of your et installation.
7. Once selected hit "start the game"

And it should load fine. Any other issues, post them up here and I will assist you with them.


Well-Known Member
Didn't triggerhawk say that you aren't actually required to have SLAC, even on servers that use SLAC?

Why would anyone do this?

Joke :D

Well-Known Member
CG have a SLAC config that checks for your SLAC account before letting you in. only works on etpro (Y)

Trigger Happy

Frogma said:
Didn't triggerhawk say that you aren't actually required to have SLAC, even on servers that use SLAC?

Why would anyone do this?
Yeah they don't support it out of the box but it turns out you can DIY if you want using lua scripts, which is what I suspect they are using over at CG.
Another bad aspect of SLAC is that Windows is the only OS currently supported (last I checked) so that stuffs up anyone who is using mac or linux to pew pew.



New Member
SLAC is unfortunately not available for Linux users as yet, therefore this yet again provokes elitism and limits playability of a game that is already in some decline. Bear in mind W:ET is native to Linux, and many W:ET servers are hosted by UNIX and Linux o/s. Therefore I wont support presently servers that run SLAC