• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/



ok last night i was on and i was banning people left right and center for no guid and i0n started saying it POD and he is not to be banned but when POD was on others were still coming on with no GUID

Droppedhisguts had no guid but i know hes pretty much a reg so i just asked him to reconnect, he did and Vola! he had hi guid xp and everything so i believe that its a server issue might have to do with win 7 too further investigation is required by admin team

cheers abolisher


Well-Known Member
//insert winblows melody
Hi, my name is cheekz.......
Not too long ago I had this amazing idea whilst chomping on swedish meatballs and pew pewing noob on ET!
I said make my GUID disappear! so I told microsoft and before you know it Windows 7 was released with a NO GUID feature.
Now I'm pewing noob... SNAP. pew pewing triggerhawk fgt with NO GUID
Awesome..... just like I said, I think I'm a genius.
I'm a dkhd and winblows 7 wasn't my idea!


Well-Known Member
Truth about Windows...

Back then...

and now...

Some things you just cannot change.