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Why is ET so enduring?


Super Moderator
Staff member
One of my alltime favourite ET moments was a few years ago on Oasis. Allies had captured the forward spawn & blown the wall, but axis were camping us majorly hard. Messenjah was on axis and went fops. He was running into the courtyard and packing us with ammo. It was funny as heck to see all his teamies smashing us and having him run in and provide us with packs.

Sometimes when I am bored I do the same thing with med pax.


Well-Known Member
-OZ-noobItUp said:
One of my alltime favourite ET moments was a few years ago on Oasis. Allies had captured the forward spawn & blown the wall, but axis were camping us majorly hard. Messenjah was on axis and went fops. He was running into the courtyard and packing us with ammo. It was funny as heck to see all his teamies smashing us and having him run in and provide us with packs.

Sometimes when I am bored I do the same thing with med pax.
AmmoCrate! Hahaha :)


Well-Known Member
There have been some epic maps won in the last few seconds. Few times it was by Allies on Gold Rush where all they had to do was blow the last barrier...EPIC lols and how the players were raging and running into battle like headless chickens.

But like Triggs said, its mostly the same ET community that has kept ETPub play in aus going. There are lots of players who started to play along side each other since node/optus and now migrated to OZ server. No wonder blusky doesnt know of me, since he never prolly went down that path of gameplay but its the dynamic/personality that these players have brought to both the server and forums that makes ET fun and keeps it active in AUS.

3-4yrs is a long time for some of us but I think it does boil down to what kind of community and regulars play in it that makes you want to keep playing it. I for one was going to quit ET start of this year since going back to my folks house, they dont have BB, so there is no chance for me to play ET but as time went on I am now in the situaion that I can get back to ET and still play along side some of the old timers :)

Its fun and thats what matters IMO.


blusky said:
Other FPS are crap. Cod sucks. Even though et has bad graphics I just find it sooooooo much more appealing than any other FPS. You actually have to aim in ET. Pub play is pretty much mediocre but it's competitive 6v6/5v5 where ET really shines.

ET is dead in AUS but in Europe it's still booming.

fishtank said:
that an organised team of good players will always OWN a team of lone cowboys?
Not true.

fishtank said:
The 100s of user created maps? The excellent mods?
Most of the maps are awful, I guess you'd get that from any game though.
The only mod worth mentioning is ETpro - the rest are terrible, and fall short in comparison.
Blusky you say in Europe its still booming? Is this just based on observation of servers or are you in contact with european ET players and developers? Im interested in groups who are still developing content for ET. I have a bunch of ideas for maps and i have the software but id like to be in touch with a current homebrew scene.