• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

ET really laggy lately


Staff member
yer bandido saw it when i got on every thing has not been changed pts host was limiting et at one stage but that was rectified ddos has been happening for the last few weeks on port 80 that was only found out 3 days ago that was fixed on our server but other servers on the same network may still need to be fixed so may still be lagy for a few days to come and the lag that we are getting now i have know idea about could be ftp acting up but not sure what was happening when i was on to night was that it was good for 5 or so mins then a small lag spike then good again which kept recurring till about the time that you got off bandido after that it seemed fine but will let br know as soon as i see him


Joke :D

Well-Known Member
Yes Bandido, saw it when I got on. Everything has not been changed, pts host was limiting ET at one stage, but that was rectified.

DDoS has been happening for the last few weeks on port 80 - that was only found out 3 days ago. That was fixed on our server but other servers on the same network may still need to be fixed so may still be laggy for a few days to come. The lag that we are getting now I have know idea about; could be ftp acting up, but not sure what was happening.

When I was on to night was that it was good for 5 or so mins, then a small lag spike, then good again, which kept recurring 'till about the time that you got off, Bandido. After that, it seemed fine but will let br know as soon as I see him.

fixed <3333


Super Moderator
Staff member
Why are we exposing port 80 anyway? Seems a fairly good candidate to lock down unless any of the games need it.

Trigger Happy

It might use it for the file transfer? Otherwise not sure what port 80 is open for.
Any way you slice it though ddosers will be able to do it since all they need to do is go through the et master list and they will get the ip and port for our servers. Haven't chatted with BR / whoever is dealing with our providers so I'm not sure what they are doing or are capable of doing to prevent these attacks.



Well-Known Member
ok, its really bad now guys..

it lags literally time I play and has been doing so for at least a month, probs good for two maps and then lag sets in.
Once its in, it stays and eventually people just disconnect. server dead etc.

is it ddos? like srs? that doesn't make sense to me

why would someone ddos an Australian ET server? repeatedly.....


Staff member
They are not ddosing the et server they are ddosing a server on the data centers network and which intern chews all the bandwidth from the other servers on the same network but when I was on last night that was not ddos which was accuring I don't know what that was need br to investigate bit More as to my above post when I can I'll jump on and check things out

Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
In discussion with the data centre about it tonight. Will have resolution, we did stop it as soon as I saw this though.

Sorry for the lags, will have better resolution soon!


Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
Actually call me crazy and against executive decision but I have seen ET suffer from this greatly, so we have been offered to trial a server over at another host where we are allowed to use our mod and custom anti dos/2.55/2.60 exe.

I will be setting it up tonight or early tomorrow morning! And will get the IP around, apparently the network is very reliable and that we've been put on a huge network in Global switch Sydney DC too, where the boss bananas play!


Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
Ok so one tiny issue... since the matter last night..., Our mod needs to be compiled for linux, so today is COMPILE FOR LINUX DAY! - I have 24 hours to try and get this compiling, if I don't than we lose :(.

4 Leaf CLover.

Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
Whoot, so I managed to compile our mod for linux, but I can't test it until I setup the rest of the server, which is being done now. We'll know if this will work in about an hour or two! :)

Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
Not sure if sarcasm... <3, well based on my previous feeble attempts :p:p

Ok, so we also just managed to compile Ama's custom executable with anti DOS and 2.55,2.60,2.60b compatibility. And we are getting the hosts to put this file on for us now.

If this all works - BEST Birthday eva!

Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
Thank you, also they're quite similar in that respect (mac is unix based), the only issue is, if I had a mac at my disposal I think I could get it to compile now. If all this works out, I'll get one over the next couple weeks and give it a real crack.


Black Racoon

Head Poncho
Staff member
Holy hell... it's working! ZOMGZOMGZOMG!!!!!!

Here you all go I'll update the other ET server to redirect right away but for now! Here's the IP (port is default) -

Have fun with no lags and happy fragging!
